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About  Horses  Horses

Breeds of Horses - D

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ |

About Dale HorsesDale

Dales horses come from the Pennines in northern England. They received their name by the famous Yorkshire Dales.  

Dales horses are related to Pennine Pony that were cross bred with Friesian horses. Scots later cross breed them with Scottish Galloway horses. The resulting horses had increased speed and were better all around athletes. They continued on to be bred with many other horses, such as the Clydesdale, Yorkshire, Norfolk Terrier, and Welsh Cob stallions.  

Dales horses are used for riding purposes for children to adults and for harness work as well. They were involved in trotter races around the globe and can currently be found mostly in Europe. They are bred in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotl ...

Dale  - Horses Breeds

About Danish Warmblood HorsesDanish Warmblood

Danish Warmbloods, formerly know as the Danish Sports Horse, are large-framed horses from Denmark. They were developed by crossing Frederiksbork horses with Thoroughbreds. The mares resulting from this were then bred with Anglo-Norman horses, Thoroughbreds, and Trakehners. This and selective breeding produced a Danish Warmblood. Danish Warmbloods are the youngest of all European warmblood breeds.

Danish Warmbloods are similar to Thoroughbreds but they have a more substantial build. They are known to be very cooperative, intelligent, alert, and sociable horses. They are courageous and have an excellent temperament. They are also described as having a good, free action, and are eager to perform.  

Danish Warm ...

Danish Warmblood  - Horses Breeds

About Danube Delta HorsesDanube Delta

Image: <a href= class = body target = _blank>Four Paws</a> Danube Delta horses are a feral breed that are found in and around the Letea Forest of Romania. It is documented that 300 to 400 years ago the ancestors of these horses were brought by the Tatars to the north of the Danube delta. The collapse of communism in 1989 along with the nation’s economy led to farms closing and releasing the horses into the wild. As a result, there are roughly, 3600 of these horses live in the Danube Delta and 500 in the Letea nature reserve.

Danube Delta horses are considered to be either large ponies or small horses. They come in black, bay or dun and have a robust muscular structure with long slender legs. They have an attractive head with a straight profile. The average height is 13.2 to 14. ...

Danube Delta  - Horses Breeds

About Dartmoor HorsesDartmoor

Photo supplied by the Victorian Dartmoor Group Karanah Park Pony Stud  - Victoria © Over many centuries ponies were allowed to run freely on the high moorland of Devon in the south west of England. These ponies were well adapted to the harsh climate. As the trade route between Exeter and Plymouth became more important the native ponies came in contact with the many different horse breeds that travelled on that road. They also were influenced by Arabian and Barb horses brought back by Crusaders. During the Industrial Revolution the Dartmoor Ponies were crossed with small Shetland Ponies in order to produce a breed small enough to work in the mines. Unfortunately this led to a decline in the popularity, and population, Dartmoor ponies. They were crossed with Welsh Mountain Ponies, Polo Ponies, and Hackneys to save t ...

Dartmoor  - Horses Breeds

About Datong HorsesDatong

Datong horses are are native to the Datong River basin in the northern Qinghai Province of China; where their history dates back 4000 years. They are considered to be related the fabled Longma or Dragon horse.

References to the Dragon Horse appeared first under the reign of King Mu and have been immortalized in ancient Chinese art. They were said to have 2 small, bony projections on their forehead that resembled horns. The Datong horse can be born with theses same bony projections (calcium-like deposits on the temple to small horns behind or near the ear). Today this is considered a flaw and horses born with them are not bred.  

Datong Horses have a gentle temperament and excellent endurance, especially a ...

Datong  - Horses Breeds

About Deli HorsesDeli

Deli ponies arre native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. They are closely related to Batak Ponies -both were developed in the Batak hills. They are most likely named from the large numbers of ponies exported from the port of Deli. They were first exported to Singapore, Malacca, and Penang, and from there spread they out across Malaysia.    

It is believed that the first horses in the Malay Archipelago arrived several hundred years ago, either by Hindu invaders from the west or merchants from Pegu and China. It is very probable that the Shan Ponies, native to Burma and bred by its hill tribes, were imported to the highlands of Northern Sumatra where there was open country. From there, these horses were crossbr ...

Deli  - Horses Breeds

About Dellagiara Pony HorsesDellagiara Pony

Dellagiara Ponies, also known as the "Cavallino della Giara" (The little horse of Giara), are originally from the highland region of the same name, in Sardinia. Little is known about its origins. Probably it was brought into Sardinia by the Greeks in the 5th or 4th century B.C., at the time of the nuraghe. It is accustomed to grazing free in its difficult native terrain. To save the horse from extinction a breeding and re-populating center was set up in 1971, at Foresta Burgos in Sardinia. This was established by the “Istituto dirnIncremento Ippico di Orzieri” (the Orzieri Institute for Horse Breeding) and used horses selected from the grazing herds.

This breed is tough, strong and agile. It can be used for herding sheep or, if w ...

Dellagiara Pony  - Horses Breeds

About Desert Norman HorsesDesert Norman

Image: Desert Norman Horse Registry Desert Norman horses are essentially a smaller version of the Percheron breed. Development of Desert Norman horses began in La Perche, a district of Normandy southwest of Paris, France - one of the oldest horse-breeding areas in the world. In 732 A.D., Arabian horses abandoned by Moors after their defeat in the Battle of Tours, were crossed with the massive Flemish stock and from this cross came the Percheron type which has endured for twelve centuries.  

During the Crusades, further infusions of Arab blood were made. In the early 1800s the French Government''s Stud at La Pin introduced further Arab blood into the Percheron breed by covering selected mares with two outstanding grey Arab sires. Now all contemporary Per ...

Desert Norman  - Horses Breeds

About Djerma HorsesDjerma

Djerma horses are from Western Africa and the middle of the Niger. They originated from Barb and Dongola horses. The name Djerma comes from the tribes people of Djerma. To own a Djerma horse, in Africa, is considered a sign of wealth. These horses are held in high esteem in Africa especially by the tribes people. Their owners adorn the animals with colorful fabrics, fringes, braids, etc. The riders adorn themselves, as well. These horses can be seen "decked out" in parades festooned with the royal colors of red, burgundy, purple and blue.

They are dark colored -usually brown.

Their build is light. Although they are small they are fine runners. Because they are smaller and have a good temperament, some are bre ...

Djerma  - Horses Breeds

About Dole Gudbrandsdal HorsesDole Gudbrandsdal

Dole Gudbrandsdal (also known as Dolahest or Dole) horses originated in the Gudbrandsdal Valley near the North Sea coast of Norway. It is likely that the Friesian played a part in the breeding of the Dole. The Friesians traded heavily with Britain, Norway, and the Rhine Delta during the period from 400 to 800 A.D.  

The Dole horse of today is found in two types: a heavy work horse and a light draft horse (the cold-blooded trotter). The difference between the two types has been greatly reduced in recent years due to interbreeding between the types. This interbreeding is now becoming very common and the breed is becoming very uniform.

The heavy type of Dole horses are tested for pulling power and trotting when p ...

Dole Gudbrandsdal  - Horses Breeds

About Don HorsesDon

Don horses come from Russia. They are the spawn of one of the most famous horse styles to come from the early eighteen hundreds, the Cossacks, well known Russian warhorses that were built and bred for being strong, tempered, and very good during a battle. They however, were originally designed to be a smaller horse, but as time progressed they were made much larger. In fact, they were given blood lines from Arab styles as well as Karabakh versions to make a larger, more impacted horse. Quickly, they became recognized as one of the most popular breeds in the Russian military. Today they are well known for being resilient and able to take care of themselves.  

  Don horses are used for riding and harness work in most ...

Don  - Horses Breeds

About Dongola HorsesDongola

Dongola (also known as Dongolah or Dongolawi) horses originated in the Sudan in the Dongola Province, Egypt and Eritrea. It is also thought that they descended from the Iberian horses that were taken to Egypt from what is now Algeria, in the 13th century.    

They are taller than Arab horses, but related. They have a fiery temperament like the Arab and lots of spirit. They have large, long heads which tend to be narrow, a convex profile, flat crops, poorly attached loins, and thin legs. Their chest is flat and high. They are a deep reddish bay, black and chestnut with white markings on the face, lower legs and tail. They tend to be 15-15.2 hands high. Much of this is from poor breeding management. Some of the Dong ...

Dongola  - Horses Breeds

About Dosanko HorsesDosanko

Photo by uran2008 Dosanko horses, also known as Hokkaido washu, are a popular Japanese breed of horse. It is believed that Dosanko horses were brought to Hokkaido, Japan, by fishermen from Honshu during the Edo period (1600–1867). They were used for transportation, but were left in Hokkaido when the fishermen returned home in autumn. The ponies were expected to survive in very harsh weather, in a land with very little vegetation, covered with snow, which is how the Hokkaido pony developed its exceptional enduring strength for which it is known today.    

Unlike the Nanbu breed, of which the Hokkaido pony is considered to be a descendant, and which no longer exists, the Dosanko is the most plentiful of the remaining ancient Japanese ...

Dosanko  - Horses Breeds

About Drum HorsesDrum

Drum horses were originally used by the Queen of England for her ceremonial band. They had to be large and sturdy enough to carry large kettle drums during any type of pageantry. This meant that they were required to carry a great deal of weight through crowds of people. The mounted drummers needed their hands free to play, so they controlled their animals via reins attached to their stirrups.

They are an elegant heavy horse that utilizes the finest examples of the shire, Clydesdale, and gypsy cob breeds. On average they are 16 hands tall.  

In the US drum horses are favored more as riding and competition horses, both mounted and driving. They make sturdy, athletic mounts with a level head.    


Drum  - Horses Breeds

About Dülmen Pony HorsesDülmen Pony

Image from Maschinenjunge Dülmen Ponies are the only remaining pony of German origin that has always lived in completely natural conditions.

Their bloodlines date back more than 600 years in Westphalia, Germany where there have always been pockets of land for them to roam. Over time their territories were shaped by the urban growth, until the mid 19th century when the Duke of Croy had them rounded up and taken to a refuge.  

Dülmen Ponies are hardy and robust. They are generally 12 to 13 hands high. They have a short stout neck with a compact body.Their legs are short and and their hindquarters are steeply sloped. They are found in chestnut, black, bay, and dun.  

They are good natured, intelligent, and easily traina ...

Dülmen Pony  - Horses Breeds

About Dutch Harness HorsesDutch Harness

Dutch Harness, or Tuigpaard, horses are a warmblood type of fine driving horse that has been developed in the Netherlands since the end of World War II. Their studbook is kept by the Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland (Royal Warmblood Horse Studbook of the Netherlands) or KWPN. They are based on native Groningen and Gelderland horses, which were formerly indispensable in agriculture and transportation services. Strict selection procedures and a clear breeding aim enabled breeders to produce a refined, high-stepping horse within a few decades. While with 40 sires and fewer than 2,000 broodmares the population is not large, Dutch Harness Horses are highly recognizable. In the past few years, a handful have come to North ...

Dutch Harness  - Horses Breeds

About Dutch Warmblood HorsesDutch Warmblood

Dutch Warmblood horses are exceptional sport horses that have recently been prominent in the international equestrian. Some of the Dutch Warmblood superstars include Calypso, Next Milton, Big Ben, Ampere, Ommen, Zucarlos, Linky, Eastern Sunrise, Pascal, Ideaal and many more.  

Dutch Warmblood horses are sport horses that have evolved from Dutch Gelderlander and Groningen horses. Gelderlander horses come from the light sandy soils of central Holland; they are a stylish chestnut horse of medium stature. Groningen horses come from the heavy clay soils of northern Holland and are a large, heavy, black horse.

In the heyday of coaching in the 19th century, horses were imported to Europe from England - the Norfolk ...

Dutch Warmblood  - Horses Breeds

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